Saturday, January 5, 2013

Youth of Today – Break Down the Walls, Second Press

So if you read this blog at all, you will know that I have been picking up a lot of Wishingwell records recently. I have even been lucky enough to pick up copies of Youth of Today – Break Down The Walls on both Red and Blue. The other week I finally found the last piece to my Youth of Today Wishingwell collection. Youth of Today – Break Down The Walls second press with Black and Yellow cover.

I saw this on eBay with a BIN for a reasonable price. I took no time in snagging this and completing my collection. (I’m not crazy enough to try and track down a test press).

Now the story behind this press is that Revelation was about to press Break Down the Walls, but Wishingwell wanted to sell some more copies before Rev re-pressed the record. So Wishingwell made one final press with an alternate Black and Yellow cover, instead of the original Red and Blue cover.

Apart from the cover being different colours, the insert and labels are also different. To be honest I prefer the original Red and Blue colour scheme much better. 

Here is the second press label.

And to compare here is the regular first press.

And here are the inserts. Of course first press is on the left, second on the right.

This record arrived just before 2012 ended. Making it so I picked up my copy on Red vinyl, Blue vinyl and Second press all in the one year. Hopefully in 2013 I can finish off my other Wishingwell wants, there really aren’t that many left. 

In 2012 I was lucky enough to fly to the US and see Youth of Today for the first time at the Rev 25 Cali shows. Actually seeing them has made my love for this band grow so much and has made me so much more siked on their music. Now, I am even more determined to track down more of their records that I'm missing. 

Here is one of the nights I was at (I'm the dude from Australia!). Check me stage diving at 2:15 and many other times lol.

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